THE MOOD: Checks and Balances

Summer brings heat, and heat makes our molecules move faster. During this time of warmth and light, we move into activities that define the season: parties and picnics, hikes and adventures, sports and sunsets. With such long days, we can see our motion – our aliveness – more clearly, more plainly.

This summer, and this August in particular, offers a slightly different spin on our typical lively summer motion. Forward movement is compromised in light of more contrasting energies. It’s less of an easy, jovial “Let’s go!” and more of a stop-and-go, yes-and-no, hot-and-cold, fast-and-slow flavor. We’ll move forward, but we’ll also be asked to slow down, backtrack, double-check, rest, and redo.

First, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on August 4, moving backwards in Leo before stationing direct again on August 28. This means that, for most of the month, we’ll be immersed in Mercury retrograde’s tidal dynamics – which not only include moving backwards but also changing signs. Every Mercury retrograde encourages us to reflect, refine, re-evaluate, and redo, particularly in Mercury’s realm’s of communications, exchanges, and mental activity. It offers us a opportunity to rethink and reexamine the messages that we give and receive, serving as a necessary pause for reflection. While not a straightforward transit to begin with, a Mercury retrograde that changes signs gives us even more contrast: as it moves from Virgo to Leo this month, we confront a stark transition from a objective, specific, detail-driven approach to a more loosey-goosey, playful, and imaginative tone. As the quality of exchanging information and stories shifts, we’ll need to remember that messages – as communiques of the mind and of the heart – may be immensely objective, subjective, and everywhere in between. 

The middle of the month continues the contrasts. On August 14, Mars hurdles into Jupiter in Gemini – it’s a jubilant, feisty, chest-bump of energy between these two high-energy planets. The exhuberance quickly fades, however, as Mars squares Saturn in Pisces on August 16. Mars square Saturn is a face-off between the biggest baddies in the planetary lineup (known as the “malefics” in Hellenistic astrology). As Mars pumps the gas while Saturn pounds the brakes, this transit is a stress-test between conflict, aggression, and action (Mars) and restrictions, discipline, and slowness (Saturn). Energetically, it’s hot meeting cold, and it’s the searing hiss that ensues. During this time, things that seemed to be moving forward may come to a chaotic and screeching halt. Being especially supple and flexible can help.

Closely following Mars given their recent conjunction, Jupiter then squares Saturn on August 19. While contrasting, this head-to-head offers slightly more balance and perspective. At its best, Jupiter can smooth over some of the chaos left in Mars’ wake; while checking its grandiosity against Saturn’s restraints, it can make for a measured optimism that can be enormously productive. However, it may still feel like a bit of a tussle between panglossian views (Jupiter) and sterner reality (Saturn). Given the backdrop of the Mercury retrograde and the Mars-Saturn square, we may be asked to clarify our beliefs, motivations, and intentions at this moment, in order to ensure that they are aligned with our actions and impacts.

Venus joins the fray later in the month, coming to square Jupiter, oppose Saturn, and square Mars from August 18-21. Typically, Venus aims to bring sweetness into the dynamic, prioritizing relationships and harmony. However, Venus in Virgo may be a bit more tart in flavor, emphasizing clarity, discernment, and accuracy rather than honeyed diplomacy. Venus’ presence reminds us that our ideas, beliefs, and actions take place within the context of relationships; this messy, mutable mashup impacts not only ourselves but those around us, too. Our relationships serve as important checks and balances by pulling us outside of the silos of ourselves.

Clearly, we’re in for a ride this month – and one that is poised to take us forwards, backwards, and all kinds of sideways. Take it slow, and stay hydrated.

Candace Kita